Why is It Important to Use a Climate-Controlled Unit During the Summer?

Why is It Important to Use a Climate-Controlled Unit During the Summer?

Living along the Gulf Coast means you are accustomed to experiencing high temperatures. Temperatures can get rather high in these areas, particularly those in Mobile, Alabama. Even though these extreme temperatures may not be safe for you, your loved ones or your pets, they can be especially hazardous for sensitive objects. Exposure to situations with extreme heat can frequently ruin various objects, from electronics to furnishings.

So, how do you handle the hot weather when you have to store your stuff for a long time or during a move? The solution is climate-controlled storage.

Similar to your home's furnace or air conditioner, climate-controlled storage operates on a far grander scale. When a storage facility has climate control, the temperature is often maintained at a constant level, regardless of the weather.

A good rule of thumb is that anything that severe temperatures or weather conditions can harm should usually be stored in a climate-controlled room. Climate-controlled storage units can be used to store a range of things. Although our clients utilize their storage units for a variety of things, the most well-liked and important things to keep in a temperature-controlled unit include:

  • Antiques and furniture
  • Books, images and paperwork
  • DVDs, cassette tapes, vinyl records
  • Any electronic devices

Many people find that knowing that their possessions are protected from adverse weather conditions and kept nearby in climate-controlled storage gives them peace of mind. Our self-storage facilities at Stor-Alls are constructed with this end-goal. Visit one of our numerous climate-controlled facilities or make your online reservation today if you need to store a few boxes while clearing out your home, or you need a location for all of your office's belongings (including equipment) while moving.

Services Offered at Beltline & Security Stor-Alls:

Climate Controlled Storage | Non-Climate Controlled Storage | RV Storage | Boat Storage

Do you need more space in your life? Let STOR-ALL Help!